Peterborough Radio Control Model Flying Club



Open Membership (18 years and over) ... $90   After Feb. 1... $100.00

Spouse of a Member ..........................................$20
Junior Members (under 18 years) .............. $20 (with a $70 subsidy see note below)
Associate Members (non-flying) …............. $40

The Peterborough Radio Control Model is a great place to fly with a groomed runway, a pit area designed for people and aircraft with safety in mind and a great indoor flying site for electrics during the cold winter months.  The PRCMFC has a training program with instructors so you have a much better chance of learning to fly without destroying your airplane.  We have a strong membership with a wealth of knowledge and experience when it comes to building flying and repairing models.  We welcome you to join us and share in the great hobby of model flying!

Club Directors
Walter Gebhart , President

Mark Hageman, Vice President

Harry VanDam, Treasuer

Richard Orr,
Glenn Pearce

Jerry  Kurhan

We provide a subsidy for junior members through the Ted Sharp Memorial Fund.  When juniors join PRCMFC the club will pay their MAAC fee thus providing them with the necessary insurance.

All people flying at any of the PRCMFC functions and facilities must be a member of the Model Aeronautics Association of Canada, MAAC .  Proof of membership must be shown at the field to fly.  Please, always have your MAAC card with you.